Passing of Search Dog Abbie.

Sadly today we have to report the passing of one of our team members. Abbie was the team Search Dog for over 10 years and was an important and integral part of any operations we conducted.

Abbie was a Border Collie and like her sister Pepper carried a slight deformity, but that never stopped her from working. Her skill and determination on the hill became the benchmark for many dogs that followed her and who wanted to attain the high working standards she consistently demonstrated. Abbie was part of the larger family of working dogs across the country and was universally liked for her gentle soft nature and her matriarchal approach to other dogs.

As an air scenting search dog Abbie had three finds in her working life. Two involved finds around water, showing great skill in detection and indication in a complicated environment. Her third find was on the Peak District moor of Bleaklow in difficult and often inhospitable conditions. Abbie worked with many teams across the UK and Ireland, building up a significant operational record during her working life.

Away from operational duties Abbie loved to go into schools and demonstrate to children how search dogs operate and promote the work of the team. Abbie was a regular at local events including being presented to HRH The Queen.

Abbie was 15 years old when she passed away and will be missed by all team members.

In memory

Search Dog Abbie.

Off the hill.